The #revolution comes by hashtag

Why does the advent of a major new media technology so often coincide with political upheaval or even revolution? To name a few examples: the broadcast radio and the rise of Adolf Hitler; the cassette tape and the Iranian Revolution; the fax machine and the fall of...

The trouble with impeachment

In this excerpt from a book talk at Brown University, Sam explains why impeachment is frequently attempted, but is rarely a good solution, to the challenge of populism. Video courtesy Brown...

Don’t insult the populists; instead, do better!

This is a bad moment for technocracy and those of us who love it. US progressives tend to favor one of two stories to explain 2016’s populist backlash against mainstream politics. The first is a surprising rise in the number of racists; the second is a dramatic...

Why do people vote for populists?

Sam explains one reason populists have done well in recent years — the poor economic performance of governments led by technocrats, experts and establishment politicians. Video courtesy Eurasian Media Forum.