Political risk has come home, and we must combat it

The past decade has upended my profession almost entirely. I work in political risk, and my job is to advise companies how to manage political and economic instability. A coup in Turkey, sanctions against Russia, unrest in Venezuela, debt default in Argentina – such...

Beware falling objects

Sam explains that shifts in the world economy cause companies and countries to lose their grip. (Sorry about the low talking: the day before I had given five hours of back-to-back media interviews to promote the Dutch edition of my book, and managed to lose my...

The cost of Brexit

Sam explains why Brexit will be costly for the UK economy, regardless of the modelling assumptions used. (Sorry about the low talking: the day before I had given five hours of back-to-back media interviews to promote the Dutch edition of my book, and managed to lose...

Why we’re obsessed with China (2 of 2)

Sam continues his explanation of why China has been so crucial to world growth. (Sorry about the low talking: the day before I had given five hours of back-to-back media interviews to promote the Dutch edition of my book, and managed to lose my voice.)